La misión de Compassion 360 es compartir el amor de Cristo asociándose con personas y organizaciones locales para servir a la comunidad.
We are a faith based charity located at the Ridgefield Church of the Nazarene. We have a passion to serve the community. We love people recklessly and serve others contagiously. We act justly and love mercifully. By serving together, we have gained deep, life-long friendships and look forward to building more friendships through our charity's services. We hope to show a little bit of Jesus’s heart by pursuing peace, justice and love. As volunteers, we understand and have experienced seasons of life which are marked by need as well as seasons of life where there is plenty. We wish to extend a helpful hand to those who find themselves in a season of need, just as we were surrounded by loving support when we had a need.
Our name, Compassion 360, stems from our 360 area code as well as the wide range (or full circle) of services we hope to provide to our community.

Compassion 360 se estableció en octubre de 2015.